Acute Duo and Half Rectangle Triangles
When I first created my Acute Duo pattern I made it using Half Rectangle Triangles. I did a lot of guessing and checking and I did *not* know that trimming was important. Fast forward a year and a half and the pattern is officially written and has been created by multiple pattern testers. I am really proud of and excited for this pattern and wanted to share a little insight on how and why this pattern was created the way it was.
When you look at Acute Duo, the blocks are made up of a pair of acute why did I not make this pattern using triangles? Why would I put a seam down the middle of the triangle? Why? Because I really wanted to use those Half Rectangle Triangles! :)
When you work with triangles, you are left with fabric scraps that are oddly shaped. My scrap pile is already large enough and I didn't want to add more excess fabric to that bin. By making this pattern using Half Rectangle Triangles, we are able to make two at a time using rectangular cuts. (The two HRTs below were made using 1/4 of a Fat Quarter in the balloon print...which means you can get *four* acute triangles from a single FQ plus background fabric. This is a huge fabric saver!)
Another reason why I wanted to use Half Rectangle Triangles is because it allows this quilt to be even more scrappy and playful by mixing and matching the triangles. My friend Sarah used this method and I really loved how vibrant and wonderful the mixed triangles turned out.
And last, I think the biggest reason why I made this pattern using HRTs is because I feel like a lot of people are intimidated by them. I want to change that. Sure, it feels weird when you are trimming HRTs and it takes a little practice to make sure you don't lose your points, but they don't have to be scary. They don't automatically make the pattern an intermediate level. And dare I say, they are kind of fun! :)
If you are nervous for Half Rectangle Triangles this quilt pattern would be a wonderful place to give them a try! Acute Duo is definitely a beginner level quilt pattern and comes with a video that provides step-by-step instructions on how to make and trim HRTs. Many of my pattern testers had never made HRTs before this quilt and they turned out beautifully!
Acute Duo releases on Friday, October 1st! Can't wait for you to try it out! :) - Jamie